Article: Indigenous Organic Cotton : Hand Spun Yarn - From Kachchh

Indigenous Organic Cotton : Hand Spun Yarn - From Kachchh
Our handspun indigenous organic cotton yarn is a collaboration between farmers and hand spinners strengthening the rights of rurally located women. This project provides earning opportunities, skills exchange and the development of connection - energizing the makers movement across the globe. This yarn line represents an emergent solidarity economy that centers indigenous culture, our relationship with each other and the environment.
Kala cotton is the foundation of our fiber portfolio and it is the main ingredient in the yarn collection. It is indigenous to the region Kachchh located on the West Coast of India. The farmers do not use any pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. Kala cotton is a non GMO organic seed - one of the oldest recorded strains of cotton - it is purely a rain fed crop and does not require irrigation beyond natural rainfall.
The cotton farmers we engage with have owned and worked their land for many generations. We are proud to be connected to this socially and ecologically regenerative farming practice.
Scientists holding research and development budgets have historically focused on the study and promotion of long staple American varieties of cotton but the tides are changing and there is now a growing acknowledgment that cotton indigenous to India are a viable natural fiber for the Climate Crisis we are living in due to their ability to grow on very little water - withstanding very high temperatures.
Wearing handmade clothing is an environmentally friendly choice with positive social impact embedded into the fabric. If you are looking for ways to divest from the harmful effects of industrial manufacturing - responsible food & clothing choices are everyday opportunities for us to participate in creating a more equitable world.
Images Courtesy of : Lucas Speigel, Sam Fleischner & Agyesh Madan